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Greenham Women

September - December 2021

Behind The Scenes

During our first year at University, it was during Covid and so I didn't learn when it came to stop-motion as we had to stay separate from the stop-motion sets. I decided for my second year I would be stop-motion orientated fully for my next project.


During first term of our second year, the course was asked to split into groups for the next module, seven of us formed, including my previous producer Kirsten Jane Reed. Our lecturer, Kathy Nicholls tried to separate us into two groups, believing the group to be too large. In the end she agreed to keep us as a seven after we begged her to reconsider, eventually naming our team 'Kathy's Problem'. The module had assigned us to pitch and produce a story revolving around the stories and lives of the Greenham Women who were a collective of people protesting against nuclear arms being held in a US base in the UK. Since stop-motion was lacking materials due to Covid and funding, we literally had our sets, props and even puppets made from mostly scrap from the B&Q bins just off campus. The experience, although difficult at times, bought me closer to new people in the course that I hadn't been able to talk too in first year. In fact our dynamic as a group was so well that we we're one of two films out of six to be completed by the end of term. We' believed as a team that we wouldn't had been able to finish the film if we were separated into groups. In addition, I had also gained many new lessons about not just stop-motion animation, but also in researching, storyboard art, editing, turnaround art, prop making, set-building, layout art, gaffing, camera operating, LAV acting and sound sound design. We celebrated with a drunk night out at Spoons before Christmas break.


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