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August 2024

'Dear Elijah,

We hope this email finds you well. We are delighted to inform you that you have been selected as one of the participants in this year's edition of the StopmoLab program for puppet animation group. 

Congratulations once again on your acceptance!'

A Viral Video, 2024
He's Late!, 2024

As mentioned last month, I am continuing doing weekly animation shorts which include a lot of new skills being learned along the way. I’ve recently joined a new workshop called ‘StopMoLabs’ who take a deep dive in the world of stop-motion. During my lectures, I learned that a lot of studios look for a diverse range in animation styles. Since I’ve mostly been working on fast movements, my next animation is planned to involve a lot of subtle, almost non-moving animation.


In addition, this coming week’s short will be including dialogue sampled to add character to the puppet’s movements. So look out for my latest posts on my instagram and Linked-In.


And incase you missed it, 'A Viral Video' has a short behind the scenes on how it was done!

A Viral Video: Behind the Scenes
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